By continuing to use this ABCorp site after reading these Terms of Service you are deemed to have agreed to the terms in their entirety.​

​Access to ABCorp Network and Systems​

Access to ABCorp computer network and/or telecommunications systems (“ABCorp Network”), shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:​

 a. Authorization to use the ABCorp Network is specifically conditional on compliance with any technical requirements in these Terms of Service, and any writtencommunication provided by ABCorp with respect to the access method. Users may not cause, permit, or authorize any change, modification, enhancement,variation, or addition to these requirements without the prior written consent of ABCorp.​

 Users agree that ABCorp reserves the right to monitor the User’s computer systems or other source devices while such devices are actively connected to orcommunicating with ABCorp’s Network or equipment, and intercept Customer’s communications traversing the ABCorp Network or equipment at any time andwithout prior notice. ​

​b. Users agree that ABCorp may further impose certain technical requirements or limitations upon a user’s access and/or the user’s computer systems for purposes of access to the ABCorp Network in accordance with ABCorp’s third party connectivity standards such as may be required for establishing business to business (B2B) or other direct connections to the user’s computers, including requiring user organizations to provide to ABCorp the names of all personnel assigned to perform the Services. User organizations shall notify ABCorp immediately of any changes in such personnel in order to permit ABCorp to promptly revoke access to ABCorp’s systems and ABCorp’s Network. If ABCorp grants access to the ABCorp Network via a user’s computer or other user access device, the user agrees that prior to beginning such access it will have installed and activated up-to-date security products on such device, including but not limited to a host intrusion prevention software or firewall, full disk encryption in accordance with this Terms of Service, and comprehensive anti-malware software (including virus and spyware protection). If the user becomes aware of any security issue (e.g. malware infection) with its access device while connected to the ABCorp Network, the user will disconnect immediately and notify ABCorp promptly (but within not more than 24 hours upon discovery).​

 2. Access to the ABCorp Network and associated applications shall be solely for the purpose of providing designated Services to you. You may not use the ABCorpNetwork, directly or indirectly, for any of the following purposes:​

a. to transmit to or receive from or communicate with networks, persons or entities other than ABCorp and its officers and employees, except with prior written consent of ABCorp (for example, one customer location may not use the ABCorp Network to communicate directly or indirectly with other customer locations);​

​b. to establish a peer to peer network connection between a user’s computer and any computer on the ABCorp Network, the Internet, or the user’s own network, without ABCorp’s prior written consent;​

c. to use third party e-mail or file transfer services (e.g., Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, Google, Dropbox, etc.);​

d. to conduct any kind of business or transaction other than with, or for the benefit of, ABCorp;​

e. to copy or store private or Personal Data;​

f. for any illegal or unlawful purpose, or to engage in any activity which would violate any law, rule, regulation, ordinance, or decree of any governmental authority, or cause ABCorp to be in violation of any such law, rule, regulation, ordinance, or decree, or which could subject ABCorp to any sanction, civil or criminal;​

g. to access any data and/or network to which the user does not have prior authorization from ABCorp;​

h. to upload, post, e-mail, otherwise transmit, or post links to any material that contains malicious software, bots, viruses, spam, time bombs, trap doors or any other computer code, files or programs or repetitive requests for information designed to intercept, transmit, or otherwise gain unauthorized access to information or to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the ABCorp Network, telecommunications equipment, or data, or any other party’s network, or to diminish the quality of, interfere with the performance of, or impair the functionality of the ABCorp Network or any other party’s network.​

i. to infringe or to misappropriate any patent, trademark, copyright, moral right, trade secret, or other similar right of ABCorp or any third party;​

j. to access any information that is confidential or proprietary to ABCorp, its clients, or its third-party partners, except on a “need to know” basis in connection with the Services;​

k. to violate any agreement between the user and ABCorp;​

l. to knowingly cause ABCorp to violate any agreement between ABCorp and any third party; or​
m. to use words, phrases or symbols that may be viewed as inappropriate, offensive, defamatory, harassing or otherwise compromising to any person.​

For any queries relating to these Terms of Service please contact us at

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